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Mission Dolores - Helen Diller Playground

Completed and Opened to the Public!

Project Background

Mission Dolores Park Rendering

In November 2008, Mission Dolores Park was identified as a priority site for funding under the 2008 Clean and Safety Neighborhood Park Bond. In that same year, the Friends of Dolores Park Playground ( FDPP ), a volunteer community organization, joined forces with the Mercer Foundation and hired the firm of Koch Landscape Architecture to develop a conceptual plan for the project, and entered into an agreement with the Neighborhood Parks Council ( NPC ) to act as their fiscal agent.

In April 2009 the Recreation and Park Commission approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Recreation and Park Department ( RPD ) and NPC , acting on behalf of the Friends of Dolores Park Playground, which establishes the framework for the joint planning, funding and construction of the playground at Mission Dolores Park. The general terms of the agreement include contributions of bond and other City funding by RPD , and a gift of services/materials/funds from FDPP . In recognition of the girt, the renovated playground will be renamed the “Helen Diller Playground”.

The scope of this project included demolition of the existing children’s play area and adjacent asphalt picnic area; construction of a new, highly customized children’s play area; a new access driveway and accessible parking space; and a new storm water collection system, irrigation and lighting within the play area. Three community meetings were held to present the project plan and collect feedback from park stakeholders [April 4, 2008, June 26, 2008, and May 14, 2009]. The Recreation and Park Commission approved the conceptual plan for the project in June 2009.

Project Description

Children’s Play Area: The play environment for Helen Diller Playground took into consideration the developmental needs of children; the site’s context; the natural and social history of the area and the culture of the community to create a “sense of place” that will remain an icon of the community for years to come.

Super Slide: An exciting 45 foot long slide is the literal “high point” of the playground as it provides an elevation change of nearly thirty feet. The Super Slide is nestled into the hillside amid boulders, trees and dense vegetation and provides a wild ride for anyone that climbs up to its entrance. The slide may be accessed via the accessible walkway that leads to the stone stairs or one can climb up the hillside on the rubber surfacing area that is provided surrounding a field of boulders.

Site Infrastructure

The renovation of the play area included installation of new irrigation lines and heads within the boundaries of the play area, as well as security site lighting. A new subsurface drainage system was installed below the play matting to collect and direct water runoff from rain and irrigation. The project included a new connection to the City’s combined sewer line on Dolores Street.

ADA access improvements completed under the project are limited to the provision of a new accessible loading zone on Dolores Street, and associated curb cut and sidewalk modifications between that location and the entrance to the park. From the accessible park entrance, an new ADA accessible path serves the children’s play area. The path may double as a service vehicle entrance point, with a curb apron.

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