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Mountain Lake Park Playground Improvement Project

Completed and Opened to the Public June 8, 2017!

Mountain Lake Park (2)

Project Scope The objective of the project was to provide a clean, safe and accessible playground for pre-school and school age children. The project scope included removal of deteriorated play equipment and installation of new equipment, reconfiguration of paths and stairs to increase accessibility, and associated site work.


Located in the Inner Richmond District, Mountain Lake Park is a 15.2-acre park situated on a band of land bordered by the Presidio to the north and Lake Street to the south. The playground sits at the end of 12th Avenue, north of Lake Street, and is bounded by the lake to the north. The renovation of the playground at Mountain Lake Park was a project funded by the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond in partnership with the Friends of Mountain Lake Park Playground.

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Documents & Materials

Key Documents

  1. Conceptual Design (PDF)

  2. Construction Contract Award Staff Report 07-16-2015 (PDF)

  3. Staff Report 06-20-2013 (PDF)

  4. Staff Report 10-05-2016 (PDF)

  5. Staff Report 10-20-2016 (PDF)

Community Planning Meeting Number 3: May 14, 2013

  1. Meeting Announcement (PDF)

  2. Meeting Number 3 Power Point Presentation (PDF)