ay area at Herz Playground within John McLaren Park was part of the Let’sPlay SF ! Initiative, a partnership between the Recreation and Park Department and the San Francisco Parks Alliance that seeks to inspire creativity and play throughout the City. In the coming years, 13 playgrounds prioritized for improvement by a citizen task force will be reimagined and redesigned for this and future generations of San Francisco’s children.
Scope of Work This project included a complete renovation of the toddler and school-aged children’s play areas at Herz Playground with all-new play equipment and surfacing. Additional site improvements included new:
Picnic Tables
Additionally, the restrooms at Herz Clubhouse were brought into current code compliance and received cosmetic upgrades.
Funding came from multiple sources including: $1,195,000 SF General Fund, $1,169,109 Parks Alliances, $310,000 IPIC, $$825,892 2012 Bond, and $80,000 Forestry 2012 Bond, for a total of $3,580,000.
The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission on August 3, 2022 ( PDF ); Recreation and Parks Commission approved a contract amendment on March 29, 2023 ( PDF ) . This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.
Project Schedule
Fall 2018
Spring 2021
Construction contract awarded
August 3, 2022
Fall 2022 - Summer 2023
Open to the public
August 2023
Get Out and Play!
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