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Mansell Corridor Improvement Project

Completed and Open to the Public on February 4, 2017!


mansell tai chi court

The Mansell Streetscape project converted two lanes of vehicle traffic into permanent pedestrian and bicycle only pathways. This type of project was a first for San Francisco.

Funding Funding for this project is from your DMV vehicle registration fees, gasoline tax revenue, the city’s half-cent for transportation funds, grants from One Bay Area and the State’s Urban Greening program as well as the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond.

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Documents & Materials

  1. Community Feedback Form Chinese (PDF)

  2. Community Feedback Form English (PDF)

  3. Community Feedback Form Spanish (PDF)

  4. Mansell Corridor Important Construction Rerouting Information! (PDF)

  5. Mansell Corridor Improvements Community Meeting Presentation 03-2013 (PDF)

  6. Mansell Corridor Improvements Community Meetings Flyer - Chinese (PDF)

  7. Mansell Corridor Improvements Community Meetings Flyer - English (PDF)

  8. Mansell Corridor Improvements Community Meetings Flyer - Spanish (PDF)

  9. Mansell Corridor Improvements Presentation to Mc Laren Collaborative 10-2014 (PDF)

  10. Mansell Corridor Presentation Boards 22 by 34 (PDF)

  11. Mansell Powerpoint-1 (PDF)

  12. Muni Route (PDF)

  13. Park Map (PDF)

  14. Parking Map (JPG)

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