Lafayette Park
Completed and Open to the Public!
Lafayette Park is an 11.5-acre multi-use recreation area bounded by Laguna, Sacramento, Gough, and Washington Streets in the Pacific Heights District. Rich with a history that spans back to the 1860s, Lafayette Park has hosted many “owners” over time, from former City Attorney Samuel Holladay; to University of California professor George Davidson; to real estate mogul Louis Lurie; to condominium developer Alexander Wilson - all of whom contended with the City of San Francisco for rights to the area. It was not until 1936 that the City secured Lafayette Park as purely public space - that is with the exception of the St. Regis Apartments which remain the only privately-owned building in a San Francisco public park.
Today, Lafayette Park serves one of the densest urban areas in the City. Our renovation efforts ensured this neighborhood gem stayed in tip-top shape.
Scope of Work San Francisco residents devoted over $10 million of the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond to improving Lafayette Park, one of Pacific Height’s crown jewels. Our common goal was to ensure that future generations of San Franciscans will be able to enjoy the park’s recreational offerings and appreciate its significance for years to come.
We are proud of the historical value that Lafayette Park holds for its residents. The highest priority for this project was to incorporate the community’s vision and ideas into the improvement renovation. Working together we created a unified plan for giving the park’s users a recreation center that truly serves their needs. Looking forward, we envision renovating the park’s recreational amenities and restoring and maintaining its natural features.
Funding The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission in February 2012; Recreation and Parks Commission approved a contract amendment on April 2, 2014 ( PDF ). This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.
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Documents & Materials
Lafayette Park Conceptual Design (PDF)