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Great Highway Restrooms


The renovation work included the following improvements to both the Judah and Taraval locations. Each restroom building is identical and the improvements identified below were implemented at each site:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ) improvements to interior and exterior spaces

    Great Highway Restrooms
  • Demolition of deteriorated features and fixtures

  • Electrical, mechanical and plumbing upgrades

  • Exterior painting

  • Hazardous material abatement

  • Installation of new protective fencing on the roof parapet to prevent roof access

  • Installation of new restroom furnishing and fixtures

  • Installation of a sand foot wash station

  • Minor landscape and irrigation improvements

  • New curb ramps

  • Re-roof the structure including five sky lights

  • Realignment of interior staff storage rooms (custodial/gardeners)

  • Salvage and reinstallation of historic wall and floor tiles

  • Structural improvements


A component of the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond is the $11.4 million program for repair and replacement of freestanding restrooms in neighborhood parks. A Restroom Task Force appointed by the Recreation and Park Commission reviewed 31 freestanding restrooms across the City. Of these existing restrooms, 21 are being renovated or replaced under this program. The Great Highway Restrooms were two of the restrooms identified for renovation.

This project involves the renovation of the two Great Highway restrooms located at the intersection of the Great Highway and Judah/Taraval Streets. Built in 1930, these Public Convenience Stations are one story, poured concrete, public restroom building designed in the Classical Revival style.


This project is being funded by the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, as part of the Restroom Renovation Program.

The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission on May 7, 2014 ( PDF ). This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.

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