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Golden Gate Park - Golf Clubhouse Project

Completed and Opened to the Public on February 16, 2024!


This project seeks to replace an existing clubhouse structure at the Golden Gate Park Golf Course, which was damaged by fire in the summer of 2018 and has since been demolished. The proposed new single-story building is approximately 1500 square feet and is to be constru

Golden Gate Park Golf Course

cted approximately on the same footprint as the previous building.

Scope of Work

The proposed design seeks to replace the Clubhouse building and all amenities, activate this vibrant community space, maintain the continued operation as an important regional recreational resource, improve accessibility for the general public and to avoid the displacement of the diverse user groups that rely upon the well-established recreational and cultural opportunities that Golf Clubhouse and course provides.

The program of the new building consists of a public restroom, a golf pro shop, a food and beverage concession, and back‐of‐the house spaces for required utilities and storage. The site improvements will provide two accessible parking spaces and an accessible pathway to connect the building patio to the putting greens and driving range.


This project is currently being funded by the Rec and Park Open Space Fund.

The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission on May 19, 2022 ( PDF ). This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.

Project Schedule




Fall 2018


Fall 2019

Construction contract awarded

May 19, 2022


Late 2023 to Early 2024

Open to the public

Early 2024

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