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Golden Gate Park - Completed Park Improvements

Golden Gate Park - Alvord Lake Bridge Repair Project

Completed April 2019. This project featured restoration of this historic, reinforced concrete bridge, including concrete general cleaning, crack and spall repairs

Golden Gate Park - Blue Heron Lake (Stow Lake) Perimeter Path Renovation

Completed September 2023. Replacing asphalt path that circles the perimeter of the lake, which has deteriorated and is in need of repair. The project’s design will keep the perimeter path in its current alignment to minimize impact on the overall site and the landscaping. Additionally, the site furnishings will be refurbished.

Golden Gate Park - Boat Playground Restroom

Completed summer 2018. The project included a new restroom near the playground at 45th Avenue and Lincoln Avenue known affectionately as Boat Playground.

Golden Gate Park - Botanical Garden Bookstore Barrier Removal Project

Completed October 2024. This project added a ramp and handrails to the Botanical Garden Bookstore to ensure this facility complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Golden Gate Park - Dog Training Area Renovation

Completed February 2021. $2 million grant from the California Natural Resources Agency funded the renovation of Dog Training Area near the Bison Paddock.

Golden Gate Park - Golf Clubhouse Project

Completed February 2024. This project seeks to replace an existing clubhouse structure at the Golden Gate Park Golf Course

Golden Gate Park - Lawn Bowling Green

San Francisco Lawn Bowling Green 1 was renovated to include a concrete edge/gutter, an accessible pathway around the green and a new gate and fence on north and south sides.

Golden Gate Park - Middle Lake Rehabilitation

Completed August 2024. Middle Lake is a freshwater lake located within Golden Gate Park and is bounded by John F. Kennedy Drive to the north, Chain of Lakes Drive to the west, and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to the south.

Golden Gate Park - 9th & Lincoln Gateway

Completed November 2024. This project made improvements to the gateway to create an iconic and welcoming arrival so that the entry experience may live up to its prominent location.

Golden Gate Park - Oak Woodlands Trail Improvement Project

Completed February 2019. This project created a continuous nature trail with wayfinding and interpretive signs, and maintained a designated multi-use trail that allows off-road bicycle access.

Golden Gate Park - Stanyan Street Edge Project

Completed Fall 2020. Improvements to pedestrian access and circulation while trying to activate Eastern Edge with positive park-related activities.

Golden Gate Park - Tennis Center Renovation

Completed February 2021. Renovation of the iconic tennis center, originally built in 1894, that has served as a place where players of every age and ability have learned, played, and competed.

Golden Gate Park - Waller Street Skate Park Project

Completed October 2022. The project included resurfacing of the plaza and possibly repair or addition of skateboard elements, site furnishings, and planting.

The list above includes completed projects and initiatives. To check out some of our active park improvements at Golden Gate Park, please visit our Golden Gate Park - Active Park Improvements page.

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