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Glen Canyon Park

Glen Canyon Park Hill

Scope of Work

After completing extensive community outreach to determine the scope of improvements at Glen Canyon, the project to be funded by the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, Neighborhood Parks Project will focus on the following areas: a larger welcoming entry with a vehicular drop-off on Elk Street, a pedestrian path and landscaping, a new expanded children’s playground, and new tennis courts. Additionally, there will be minor repairs to the Recreation Center and an exterior accessible restroom will be provided, and the building’s heating system was renovated.

Recreation and Parks Department ( RPD ) partnered with the Trust for Public Land ( TPL ) to host a series of six community improvement workshops, which determined the project plan and the scope of work. TPL gifted the project improvement plan to the City in order to extend the funds that the City can spend on capital improvement. The Board of Supervisors accepted TPL ’s gifted services and the park improvement plan. RPD and Department of Public Works ( DPW ) staff have held the additional community meetings in the fall and winter of 2011 to complete the community process for the design for the improvements to be funded by the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond.

Glen Canyon Park Pond


Glen Canyon Park is a 66.6-acre recreation area located off of Elk Street and O’Shaughessy Boulevards in the Glen Park District. Rich with a history that spans back to the 1850s, Glen Canyon Park has seen a myriad of uses ranging from Adolph Sutro’s personal “Gum Tree Ranch”; to the Crocker Real Estate Company’s mini-amusement park and picnic site; to an earthquake refugee camp. Not until 1992 did the park come into its current state as an official public recreation site operated and maintained by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department.

Today, the park is valued by local residents as a wild refuge in the City and it also offers local residents:

  • A 17,600-foot recreation center, including a gymnasium, auditorium, and offices
  • Hiking trails and open space
  • A playground
  • Two baseball fields
  • Two tennis courts
  • A two-story Silver Tree Day Camp building

The canyon itself, one of the City’s “Significant Natural Resource Areas”, has naturally forested slopes, native chert outcroppings, and wild flower growths including important native San Francisco species.

Park users take full advantage of the recreation and day camp center’s various programs and classes, organized youth sports offerings, and the natural scenery of the grounds.

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Documents & Materials

  1. Glen Canyon Park Park Map (PDF)

  2. Glen Canyon Tennis Court Relocation (PDF)

Site Schematic Plan and Preferred Playground Design, 02-2012 (PDF)

Information Flyers

  1. Glen Canyon 11-12-2011 Community Meeting Flyer (PDF)

  2. Glen Canyon 12-10-2011 Community Meeting Flyer (PDF)

  3. Glen Canyon Community Meetings - Summer 2012 (JPG)

  4. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Meetings Flyer (Spanish) (PDF)

  5. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Meetings Flyer (Traditional Chinese) (PDF)

  6. Glen Canyon Park Park Improvement Plan (PDF)

  7. Glen Canyon Park Park Map (PDF)

  8. Glen Canyon Trail Meeting flyer (PDF)

Meeting Minutes

  1. Glen Canyon Community Meeting Presentation 12-10-2011 (PDF)

  2. Glen Canyon Kick-Off Meeting 12-16-2010 (PDF)

  3. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Workshop Number 2 (PDF)

  4. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Workshop Number 3 (PDF)

  5. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Workshop Number 4 (PDF)

  6. Glen Canyon Park and Trail - Community Workshop Number 6 (PDF)

  7. Glen Canyon Park and Trail Community Workshop Number 7 (PDF)

Information & Publications

  1. Glen Canyon Project Information Flyer (PDF)

  2. Glen Park Access During Renovation (PDF)

Project Update and Letter from Supervisor Wiener (PDF)

Existing Conditions Maps from Workshop 2

  1. Building and Site Facility Program (PDF)

  2. Circulation (PDF)

  3. Context (PDF)

  4. Management (PDF)

  5. Natural Resources (PDF)

  6. Sewer System and Hydrology (PDF)

  7. Site and Building History, Building Assessment, and Historic Current Use Plans (PDF)

  8. Visioning Worksheet (PDF)

Concept Plan Options Workshop 3

  1. Concept Plan Options (PDF)

  2. Presentation Describing Concept Plan Options (PDF)

Summary of Comments - 3 Options for Glen Canyon Park (PDF)

Workshop 4

Workshop Number 4 Draft Preferred Plan (PDF)

Workshop Number 4 Presentation of Park Improvement Plan Preferred Option and Costs (PDF)

Workshop 5

  1. 05-05-2011 Character Exercise (PDF)

  2. 05-05-2011 Plan and Phasing Exercise Board 24 by 48 rev (PDF)

Glen Canyon Park Final Revision (PDF)

Final Workshop Materials

  1. 06-09-2011 Final PowerPoint (PDF)

  2. 06-09-2011 Plan and Boards (PDF)

06-09-2011 Trails Plan (PDF)

Tree Removal & Replanting Information

  1. Glen Canyon Park Renovation Tree Management Presentation 01-07-2013 (PDF)

  2. Glen Canyon Park Tree Planting Plan (JPG)

  3. New Tree Planting Plan (PDF)

  4. Tree Assessment and Preservation Plan (PDF)

  5. Tree Planting and Removal Plan (PDF)