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Buena Vista Park Needs Assessment & Cost Analysis

Completed Summer 2020!

Scope of Work

This Parkwide Needs Assessment and Cost Analysis project seeks to build upon the existing 2015 Capital Improvement Plan by identifying additional needs and providing cost estimates for the highest priority project areas for Buena Vista Park. The project will incorporate the Capital Improvement Plan, community needs, and maintenance needs, while considering the circulation and hardscape, erosion control and water management, and forest management. A key stakeholder in this project will be the Buena Vista Neighborhood Association (BVNA), who is providing a grant to RPD to undertake this work.


Grant – Buena Vista Neighborhood Association $50,000

Budgetary Add-Back $50,000

Recreation & Park 2012 Bond Funding $162,952

TOTAL $262,952

Community Meetings (1-3) November 2019 through June 2020

Final report issued Summer 2020

Community Partner: Buena Vista Neighborhood Association

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