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Park Trails Improvement Program (2008 and 2012 Bond)

One of the things San Franciscans value most about our parks and open spaces is the opportunity they provide for hiking and enjoying the beauty of our natural landscapes. Urban trails allow residents to escape the city’s hectic pace and explore nature in their own neighborhoods.

The Recreation and Park Department’s Urban Trails Program is a two-part initiative to restore key trails and expand the current volunteer trail corps to help create and maintain a trail network in the city’s natural areas.

1. Natural Areas

San Francisco’s natural areas contain almost 30 miles of trails, but many are in poor shape-difficult to access, uneven, steep, and prone to erosion. The Urban Trails Program restored and enhanced miles of trails for hikers and recreational enthusiasts of all ages to enjoy.

2. Renovated Trails

Renovated trails improved access to a variety of urban nature outings, from streamside rambles to breathtaking climbs to panoramic viewpoints. New and improved trail connections helped establish regional trails, enabling residents and visitors to experience miles of uninterrupted natural beauty in the middle of the city.


Because funding for trail improvements is limited, the Department has worked with community groups and stakeholders to focus on spending on parks and open spaces that have the greatest needs and would provide the greatest benefits if improved.

Voters approved the 2012 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, which allocated $4 million to the Park Trail Improvement Program, and the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, which included $5 million for the Park Trail Improvement Program. The Park Trail Improvement Program funds the restoration of recreational trails, protection of our natural resources, development of trail networks, and improvement of overall trail safety. Thanks to these two voter-approved bonds, RPD has created and improved miles and miles of safe and renovated paths to explore!

Parks Currently Slated for More Park Trail Improvements

Parks with Completed Trail Reconstruction Projects