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Park Playfield Repairs and Reconstruction Program (2008 Bond)

Completed! With the completion of Beach Chalet in December 2015, this 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond initiative is now complete. For more information on our active playfield maintenance initiatives, visit our Park Playfield Repairs and Reconstruction Program page.

The initiative involved a public-private partnership between the City Fields Foundation and the Recreation and Parks Department. The goal of the program was to address the chronic shortage of athletic fields in San Francisco and equitably provide sports facilities for youth and adult leagues, school teams, physical education classes and informal neighborhood play. The initiative renovated nine parks, increasing overall play hours in excess of 76,000 hours annually.

Repaired and Renovated Playfields:

Background On March 26, 2008, the Recreation and Park Commission appointed the Synthetic Playfields Task Force to expand public awareness and understanding of available scientific research on health and environmental concerns associated with synthetic field materials. The Task Force had three objectives:

  • Identify primary environmental and health concerns related to synthetic turf materials
  • Synthesize the relevant scientific research available
  • Provide feedback to the Department on our recommendations to the Commission

By the time the 2008 bond was approved by voters, the City’s playfields had been overused due to a citywide shortage of soccer, baseball and multi-use fields. With the growing demand of field athletics, it was difficult to meet demand while keeping the fields at an acceptable playing condition. The Recreation and Parks Department responded by fostering a successful ongoing public/private partnership with the City Fields Foundation.

The overall philanthropic funding match for this program is 1-to-1 with a current expended gift of over $14 million. Using a new generation of synthetic turf, select athletic fields across the City have been completely overhauled with field drainage, goals and backstops/fencing, bleachers, garbage cans, signage, and field lights. These renovated fields increased play time while reducing maintenance needs and water demand. The fields that were renovated through this initiative are now some of the most requested by park users.

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