Background The Recreation and Park Department is partnering with the HOPE SF Team, including Mercy Housing and Related CA, to construct a new recreation center/gymnasium at Herz Playground, a site within John McLaren Park. The new recreation center would be designed and built to fit cohesively within the existing park landscape and “the Hub,” a new community center campus with childcare services and recreational facilities. The vision for the overall Hub is to be an inclusive, safe, friendly, family and youth focused place for neighborhood residents and visitors.
Scope of Work The recreation center will feature an indoor basketball court with bleachers, a multi-purpose room, restrooms, and associated staff spaces such as offices.
This facility would provide a much needed recreation center on the south side of San Francisco, and the goal is to create a clean, safe, warm and modern resource for all.
Funding The project combines funding from federal, city, and private funds as follows:
2020 Health & Recovery Bond: $10,000,000
2020 Health & Recovery Bond, Sustainability Program: $4,000,000
Sunnydale LLC Grant: $10,000,000
General Fund Capital Baseline: $600,000
Federal Appropriation: $1,500,000
Total Sources: $26,100,000
The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission on June 15, 2023 ( PDF ). This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.
Estimated Project Schedule
Winter 2019
Spring 2021
Construction contract awarded
June 15, 2023
Construction begins
Fall 2023
Open to the public
Summer 2025
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