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Marina Improvement and Remediation Project
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), updated November 2024
Background The San Francisco Marina Yacht Harbor is a destination that welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world. The oldest recreational marina operating in San Francisco, the harbor has had vessels berthed in its original basin, now known as the West Harbor, since before the 1906 earthquake. The original marina was expanded in the mid-1960s and is now approximately 35 acres.
Composed of two harbors, known as East Harbor (Gashouse Cove) and West Harbor, the Marina extends from Laguna Street in the east to Baker Street in the west, and welcomes a wide range of visitors and recreation activities. With two active Harbors, the Marinas provide different public amenities.
The East Harbor includes a concession selling fuel and yachts. It also features a marina, parkland with a public restroom, and two parking lots. The West Harbor consists of the West Harbor Marina, Saint Francis and Golden Gate Yacht Clubs, the Harbor Master’s Office, and parkland that includes restrooms, a concession stand, and parking lots .
Scope of Work The Marina Improvement and Remediation Project is a unique opportunity for San Francisco Recreation and Park Department (RPD) to redevelop the SF Marina into a waterfront park that serves the diverse communities of San Francisco, providing access to the San Francisco Bay for people of all ages and backgrounds. The Project will implement environmental remediation , increase public access and recreational amenities in the Marina and parkland. This project is a joint effort by RPD and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG & E) to ensure an environmentally and fiscally sustainable marina as defined in a 2021 settlement agreement.
The Project will include the following implementation phases: planning, public engagement, environmental review, design, permitting, construction, and close out.
The Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) is serving as the State lead agency over the environmental remediation, providing Case Officer oversight of the remedial activities.
Project Cost The project budget defined in the Settlement Agreement is $190 million.
Funding The project is being funded by PG & E as work is performed. The City will repay PG & E 9% of the first $160 million, and 50% of the last $30 million without interest starting three years after construction is complete to allow for full reoccupation and leasing of berths.
Estimated Project Schedule
Phase | Timeline |
Planning | 2023-2024 |
Design | 2025-2026 |
Construction begins | 2027 |
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Contact Us
Monica Scott
Project Manager
Email: REC-SFMarinaProject@sfgov.org
Phone: 1-628-652-6632