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Great Famine Memorial Plaza Project

Scope of Work

This project will construct a concrete platform and guardrail to host future artwork, such as informational plaques and a statue memorializing the Great Famine in Ireland (1845-1852).

This project is considered Phase 1 of the Memorial Project. At a later date, the San Francisco Irish Famine Memorial Committee will engage with the San Francisco Arts Commission to commission an artist to design and construct artwork on the Memorial Plaza.


In 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution in support of a permanent Great Famine Memorial in San Francisco. The resolution was put forward by the San Francisco Irish Famine Memorial Committee, a non-profit organization formed to memorialize the victims and the survivors of “The Great Hunger” (An Gorta Mor) that occurred in Ireland from 1845-1852.

During the Great Hunger, over one million Irish people died and millions more emigrated. This memorial will connect the Irish American community of San Francisco and California with their immigrant origins and recognize the contributions that the earliest Famine-era immigrants made to the United States, California, and San Francisco. It will also serve to thank the State of California and City and County of San Francisco for the welcome and opportunities that were afforded the Irish upon their arrival.


Funding for this project comes from a proposed grant from the San Francisco Irish Famine Memorial Committee valued at approximately $500,000, in the form of cash and in-kind grants of design, construction, and project management fees.


Estimated Project Schedule

Phase Projected Timeline





Construction begins


Open to the public


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