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Golden Gate Park - Bay Area Young Survivors Breast Cancer Memorial Garden


Bay Area Young Survivors (BAYS) is a suppor

BAYS rendering

t and action group for young people in the San Francisco Bay Area diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 45 or younger. In 2015, BAYS began volunteering in Dorothy Erskine Park under the guidance of Recreation and Park Department staff. BAYS inquired about opportunities to honor women who had passed away due to breast cancer. Over the years, BAYS and Recreation and Park Department staff discussed the possibility of a landscape improvement project with memorial elements.

Inspired by the success of the beautiful AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park as an example of both a public amenity and a dedicated memorial space, the team eventually settled on a small seating area also located in Golden Gate Park. In alignment with the Golden Gate Park Master Plan, the proposed rejuvenated seating area would offer the public respite from daily life, a place to sit either alone or with others, admire nature, connect to community, contemplate lives lost and reflect on survivors.

Scope of Work

  • Demolition of an existing seating area and pathway (approx. 800 sq. ft. paved area) at the intersection of Conservatory Drive East, Conservatory Drive West and Arguello Blvd in Golden Gate Park. This includes removal of existing asphalt and concrete paving, two benches, and chain link fencing.
  • Creation of a new path to a new plaza in concrete or stone with metal strips of inscriptions.
  • A new seating area to include a curved wood bench, smaller stone bench, and stone paving with metal strips with inscriptions
  • A metal memorial element for names of BAYS members lost, and any future members to be commemorated over time
  • New plantings, largely in keeping with the Oak Woodlands plant palette found on the other side of Conservatory Drive, and other natives
  • Clearing of invasive plants to encourage multiple existing small oaks which ring the area
  • Removal of some asphalt to replace with rock outcrops, shrubs, and flowering plants in a new planting area
  • Signage


Total project budget is approximately $745,000 and will be funded by BAYS.


  • Bay Area Young Survivors

  • InsideOut Design

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Estimated Project Schedule

Phase Projected Timeline


Early 2023


Summer 2023

Construction begins

Late 2024

Open to the public

Early 2025

Contact Us

Omar Davis

Project Manager Email