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Schlage Lock - Future Park Sites
Scope of Work As part of the larger Schlage Lock/Visitacion Valley project, a private developer is going to build two new public parks on the former Schlage Lock site. The Recreation and Park Department ( RPD ) will purchase and maintain the parks, with financial assistance for maintenance from the developer for 22 years. Prior to purchasing the parks, RPD will review the park design with assistance from the Visitacion Valley community and design practitioners. The goal of this review is to ensure the parks reflect community goals and RPD maintenance standards. Community members are invited to participate in this design review process.
The two parks addressed through this process are a “Linear Park” of approximately 33,000 square feet, also known as “Leland Greenway”; and a “Square Park” of about 40,000 square feet, also known as “Visitacion Park”.
More information about the Schlage project is available from the San Francisco Planning Department .
Background In 1999, the Schlage Lock Company closed its factory in the Visitacion Valley area. Since early 2002 the current landowner, Universal Paragon Corporation, has been working with various City agencies and residents of Visitacion Valley to develop a plan for the reuse of this important 20-acre site, which is bounded by Bayshore Boulevard, Blanken Avenue, Tunnel Avenue, and the San Francisco County-San Mateo County border.
Redevelopment Plan
Several years of planning work and extensive community involvement resulted in the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan and master plan for the site, which included new housing, retail, community facilities, City services, and open space. However, when the Redevelopment Agency was dissolved in early 2012, the subsequent loss of public funding for redevelopment of the site required that the City look for new ways to help make the project financially feasible. Since that time, the City’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) has been working with Universal Paragon Corporation (developer) to reassess the project’s feasibility and to look at potential ways to help move the project forward.
Purchase & Maintaining the Parks
One way the City is able to assist with project feasibility is to purchase and maintain the parks. Recreation and Parks Department staff negotiated with the developer regarding the potential future acquisition of the two parks. The developer will construct the parks as well as fund maintenance for 22 years, and the Recreation and Parks Department will purchase, operate, and maintain the completed parks. The developer has agreed to sell the land at a significantly discounted price - a little over 50% of the appraised value - in exchange for Recreation and Parks Department’s commitment at the time of the Development Agreement to purchase the sites. A term of the agreement is that the Recreation and Parks Commission shall approve the conceptual park design; the citizen’s Design Review Advisory Panel will advise Recreation and Parks Department staff and the Recreation and Parks Commission.
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Contact Us
Omar Davis
Project Manager Email Phone: 1-628-652-6644