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Noe Valley Town Square

Completed and Open to the Public October 27, 2016!


Noe Valley Town Square Rendering

The proposal to establish Noe Valley Town Square evolved through more than four years of collaboration between Recreation and Parks Department ( RPD ), the community group Residents for Noe Valley Town Square ( RNVTS ), Supervisor Scott Wiener’s office, and the San Francisco Parks Alliance ( SFPA ).

Initially championed by RNVTS , the community group actively advocated since 2010 to convert the site into permanent public open space. For more information on RNVTS please visit Noe Valley Town Square .

The Town Square is a central gathering space for Noe Valley. It is used by and for all Noe Valley neighbors and will host everything from farmers’ markets to:

  • Cafe seating
  • Exercise classes
  • Food pantries
  • Music events
  • Neighborhood bingo
  • Senior citizen events

The Town Square will pay for ongoing maintenance using rental fees from activities taking place in the square, such as the Noe Valley Farmers’ Market. The Noe Valley Community Benefit District has agreed to work with the Town Square committee to ensure that the space is kept clean and secure.

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