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Guy Place Mini-Park Construction Project

Completed and Open to the Public July 20, 2020!

Scope of Work

The park is notable for its use of high-quality materials such as granite paving, a large ornamental granite slab, and a fence along Guy Place designed by San Francisco artist Adriane Colburn, which was part of the enrichment component of the project selected by the San Francisco Arts Commission.

In coordination with the Planning Department’s streetscape improvements planned for Guy Place and nearby Lansing Street, a bulb-out was included in front of the park entrance. This area of widened sidewalk contains a park identification sign as well as a permeable dog relief area with a pet fountain.


With funding through the Rincon Hill Community Improvements Fund, this vacant property was purchased by the City in March 2007 following a joint approval by the Planning and the Recreation and Park Commissions and subsequently by the Board of Supervisors in May 2007.


Funding for this project comes from development impact fees and an add-back secured by former Supervisor Jane Kim, all totaling $4.3 million.

The construction contract award for this project was approved by Recreation and Parks Commission on April 4, 2018 ( PDF ); Recreation and Parks Commission approved a contract amendment on June 5, 2019 ( PDF ). This construction contract award obtained and complies with all city, state, and federal regulatory approvals, including any that are specific to this project’s funding sources.

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