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Current Route Details

Where is the car-free route?

Park visitors now enjoy a virtually car-free route from one end of the park to the other. The route runs from Stanyan Street at the east end of the park to Ocean Beach and the Great Highway at the west end. The east end of the route includes portions of JFK Drive and Conservatory Drive; the west end of the route includes Overlook Drive, Middle Drive and portions of MLK Drive.

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Who can use this car-free route?

Run, stroll or roll— people of all ages and abilities, including bikers, joggers, pedestrians and skaters, can use this route and enjoy nature.

When is the car-free route in effect?

The route is currently closed to vehicle traffic 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Is the route completely car-free?

No, there are spots along the route that intersect with regular park traffic or share the road with vehicles:

  • A portion of the route on Transverse Drive, between JFK Drive and Overlook Drive
  • A portion of the Metson/Middle Drive/MLK Drive loop near the south end of the Polo Field
  • The intersection at MLK Drive and Chain of Lakes Drive/41 st Avenue
  • A portion of MLK Drive near Lincoln Way
  • The section of Nancy Pelosi Drive before JFK Drive
  • Authorized vehicles, including park maintenance vehicles, park ranger vehicles, and other city department vehicles, will also be using the roads along the route.