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JFK Access & Safety Improvements

bandshell parking lot

The Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program, a project of the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) includes a number of initiatives to improve safety, equity, accessibility and mobility along the new JFK Promenade, including, but not limited to:

  • 20 new, free blue zone spaces in the parking lot behind the Music Concourse Bandshell, for a total of 96 blue spaces in the park’s east end. The Music Concourse Bandshell lot puts visitors closer to museum entrances than before the road closure. The new lot, now open, includes curb ramps and accessible pathways.
  • Flexible pricing in the Music Concourse Garage and adds free three-hour parking in the garage for those who use free museum passes like Museums for All and Discover & Go. Free parking will also be reserved for museum visitors with ADA placards.
  • Removal of restrictions on vehicle access to the Music Concourse through the Garage, which can be accessed directly by 10th Avenue to allow easy drop-off and pick-up of visitors in front of the museums and expanding the free 15-minute loading time to 30 minutes for loading zones in the Music Concourse garage.
  • Improvements to the free Golden Gate Park Shuttle, adding new weekday service, more frequent weekend service, and an expanded route that connects with Muni on Haight Street and stops at Stow Lake. More improvements are planned, including low-floor vehicles, improved comfort at shuttle stops, and working with navigation providers like Google Map to add shuttle route information to their platforms.
  • Continued MUNI buses and paratransit service on JFK, with improved service for the 29 Sunset and the return of the 21 Hayes lines.
  • A delineated, signed route for deliveries to the de Young Museum’s loading dock support their programming.
  • New roadway delineations to separate faster moving bikes from slower shared street spaces.
  • New roadway configuration to ease traffic congestion on Chain of Lake Drive to Sunset Boulevard.

Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program Quarterly Reports